Wilhelmus Ruifrok:
Biography Timeline 1952 Born in the Hague , The Netherlands . 1963 Lessons in oil painting , with Nick Stein 1967 Lessons with Maurice Angelo, Cashmere High School 1971 Diploma in Graphic Design Art. ( with merit ) CHCH Polytech . 1972 Studied at School of Fine Arts, University of Canterbury. Excellent grades, but left to paint fulltime 1974 Winner of, NZ Royal Overseas League show. Exhibited painting in London. 1976 Travelled to Australia. Exhibited a painting The Adelaide Royal Academy show. 1978 Travelled to Europe. Exhibited a painting in Royal Academy Show, Roermond, NL 1979 Travelled to Australia. 1980 Theatre Design and Puppetry with Briar Middleditch 1983 Robert McDougall . mural project. 1989 QE2 Direct Support Grant. 1991 McDougall Art Annex show. 1998 Merit Award, Cranleigh Barton Awards . 2002 Part-time Tutor at Creation. 2003 Purchase of “ Life Spiral “ by Te Papa 2006 Real Art Road Show , includes two works. 2008 First Public sculpture, “ Stele “ purchased by Temuka Council and Alpine energy. SoloExhibitions. 1974 CSA Gallery, Christchurch. 1975 Brook Gifford, Christchurch. 1976 CSA Gallery, Christchurch. 1980 Arts Centre, Christchurch. 1981 Closet Artists Gallery, Auckland. 1982 CSA Gallery , Christchurch. 1983 CSA Gallery, Christchurch. 1985 Aberhart North , Auckland. 1985 Peter McLeavey, Wellington. 1986 Manawa Gallery, Christchurch. 1987 Aberhart North , Auckland. 1988 Jonathan Jensen . Christchurch. 1989 Aberhart North , Auckland. 1989 Peter McLeavey, Wellington. 1991 McDougall Art Annex,Christchurch. 1995 La Quete Gallery, Christchurch. 1996 Aberhart North, Auckland. 1996 Canterbury Gallery,Christchurch. 1996 Aberhart North , Auckland. 1997 Janne Land , Wellington. 1998 The Edge , Christchurch. 2003 Janne Land , Wellington 2005 Campbell Grant , Christchurch. 2006 Real Art Road Show, two works included. 2007 Pencil Gallery,Gisborne. 2007 Allegory,Christchurch. 2008 Pencil Gallery, Gisborne. 2010 Windsor Gallery, Christchurch 2013 ARTBOX Gallery, Christchurch. (The Colour Codes 2015 The Outer and Inner World, Chamber Gallery Rangiora. Selected Group Exhibitions . 1974 Finalist, Benson and Hedges Award NZ ) 1975 Octagon Group ( included Joanna Paul ) CS 1976 Group Exhibition ,Adelaide Academy , 1978 Royal Academy, Roermond, Netherlands. 1981 “Surreal Meal”, Closet artists , Auckland . 1982 Finalist,Wanganui Art Award. 1984 CSA , Gallery,Christchurch. 1987 Aberhart North , Auckland. 1987 Hawkes Bay Art Gallery. 1988 Goodman Suter Biennale, Nelson. 1989 Aberhart North , Auckland. 1990 Goodman Suter Biennale , Nelson. 1991 Finalist, Visa Gold Award. 1, Finalist, Wallace Art Award .Auckland. 2, Finalist,Cranleigh Barton Drawing Award , Christchurch winner of m 1998 Forty Canterbury Artists , Robert McDougall , Christchurch. 1999 Finalist, Cranleigh Barton Drawing Award Christchurch. 2008 Papergraphica. Etchings. 2008 Papergraphica. Christmas show. 2009 First prize Peters Doig, Marlborough Art Awards 2009 Papergraphica, Christmas Show 2010 Papergraphica, Christmas Show 2011 Study Computer Graphic Design, at Natcoll, The Febuarary 22nd Earthquake hits the studio is damaged. 2012 Exhibition in Oxford, for quake affected Artists I receive a Creative New Zealand, Emergency Arts Grant, Finalist in the Wallace Art Awards Papergraphica, Christmas Show 2012 Graduate with Diploma in Computer Graphic Design. Design From Natcoll/ 2015 50 Works Gallery opening, Mary rose Crook and Wilhelmus Ruifrok Collections Robert McDougall Art Gallery now TePuna O WaiWhetu. The BNZ Collection , Wellington. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa, Sarjeant Gallery, Wanganui , Nayland Trust , Christchurch. Wallace Trust , Auckland . MacMillan Brown Library ,Christchurch . Max Broadbent , Christchurch. Real Art Road Show Collection. Anthony Wright collection David Abbot collection |
Wilhelmus Ruifrok: